Septic Scrub Prevents Costly Drainfield Problems
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Septic Scrub™ - Oxygen and Drainfield
A traditional anaerobic septic system has soil absorption area which consists of an area of ground which has been usually tested for a percolation rate, soil type, and location and found suitable for the absorption up to a fixed quantity of water per day. Oxygen in the soil is not tested for and may be the most important component of a soil absorption area. If it is not one of the most important components, it is the least understood.

While all of the components are important, each component plays a role in a functioning soil absorption area. Proper preparation of the soil, the components which distribute the water, proper depth, and ground cover each play a significant part. Proper sizing of the septic tank to allow for retention time, baffles, and an outlet filter are also important. In addition, pumping the septic tank on a regular schedule, at least every three years, can help ensure that the septic system continues to function and absorb water in an environmentally acceptable manner. Learn more...

Septic-Scrub, The Septic Solution, Septic Drainfield, Septic Drainfield Failure, Drainfield Failure
Arcan, Prevents Costly Drainfield Problems P.O. Box 31057
Clarksville, TN 37040-0018

Fax: 931-368-1904
Toll Free 888-35ARCAN

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Drainfield Failure
Preventing Drainfield Failure
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